General Meeting – 16 December 2004

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Minutes of the General Meeting December 16, 2004

Champlain Park Field House


Members: Chris Szpak (Meeting Chair & Secretary), Barbara Barr, Evelyn Boucher, Lynne Bricker, Ann Coffey, Erwin Dreessen, William Grant, Amy Kempster, Daphne McCree, Bill Royds, Janice Seline, Mikelis Svilans

Guest:  Ron Tolmie

First, Ann Coffey made a presentation on the greening of public schools. Then the meeting was called to order at 8:55 p.m.

ITEM                                                                                                                        ACTION

1. Adoption of the Agenda:

The following items were added: Under Item 5 – Business Arising:

The appointment of an auditor

Under Item 6 – Announcements

Wildlife Festival workshop on land trusts

Motion: B. Barr moved and E. Dreessen seconded acceptance of the Agenda as amended. Carried.

2.         Membership Report:

Motion: J. Seline moved and B. Barr seconded the acceptance of the membership application of Evelyn Boucher.  Carried.

3.    Treasurer’s Report:

There was a balance of $2,099.62 in the Alliance’s account.

It was noted that some councillors support the Alliance and its work and that it would be worthwhile to have a more dedicated connection to these councillors’ offices by including them on a mailing list to keep them apprised of the Alliance’s activities and positions.  It would be a matter of determining who in the councillors’ offices would be the most logical person to be on the mailing list.

The current treasurer (B. Barr) will be leaving Ottawa in the next couple of months. A new treasurer will need to be appointed – this will be done at the next meeting of the Alliance.

4.    Approval of the meeting minutes of the November 18, 2004:

Approval of the November minutes were deferred to the next meeting of the Alliance.

5.   Business Arising from the Minutes:

B. Royds will contact a number of councilors regarding the mailing list.

(a)  Kanata Special Study Area:

The meeting held a long discussion regarding the Kanata Special Study Area (SSA) appeals which included the initial Alliance appeal of the City’s Official Plan (OP), a second appeal by the Alliance of the City’s Amendment 16 of the OP, and R. Tolmie’s and Councillor Cullen’s individual appeals of Amendment 16. All the SSA appeals have been brought together by the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) for a pre-hearing scheduled for Feb. 28.

A number of action items were agreed on:

  • there is a need to look at the Carp Watershed Study and to see if there are other community groups in that area interested in supporting the Alliance’s appeal.
  • Check the other appeals of the SSA (apparently there are 17)
  • Organize a meeting of the SSA Committee needs to take place to prepare for the- pre-hearing.
  • Set up meeting with Councillor Cullen.
  • Investigate the possibility of engaging a lawyer.

[Action by A. Kempster and M. Svilans]

C. Szpak will also be a participant in the SSA Committee.

(b) Auditor:

Motion: B. Royds moved and B. Barr seconded to engage the firm Watson Folkins Corey LLP for a fee of $400 to review the Alliance’s financial books.  Carried.  B. Royds will contact the firm.

6.      Announcements/Updates:

(a) Official Plan Appeals:

The OP Appeal Committee is in the process of resolving a number of issues in the Alliance’s appeal with City Planner, Lesley Paterson. After meeting with the Committee to come up with mutually acceptable wording, the Planner has sent her latest version of proposed changes for the Committee’s comments and approval.  The appeal items concerned include: the holding provision of NCC lands; the extension of the Urban Natural Areas Environmental Features Study to 5 km beyond the urban boundary; the process of making minor adjustments to boundaries; and the protection of habitat of endangered species.

Outstanding items still under appeal are the Kanata SSA and the allowance of the development of Country Lot Estates in the rural area.

C. Szpak will prepare a response to the Planner.

(b) Development Charges:

The Alliance made presentations to Council along with other groups such as the FCA to insist that developers pay the full cost of development.  Council ruled otherwise keeping the charges lower than wished for.  The FCA will continue to actively monitor development charges.

(c) Wildlife Festival to take place in April 2005.

7. Adjournment:

Motion: B. Barr moved and J. Seline seconded to adjourn the meeting.  Carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.

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