Friends of the Greenspace Alliance
Minutes of the General Monthly Meeting of 16 July 2009
RA Centre Fieldhouse Restaurant
Started: 7:15 pm.
Members Present: Janice Seline, Chris Woodward, Cheryl Doran, Amy Kempster, Hugh Carter, Mik Svilans, J. H. Eric Cousineau (notetaker).
Regrets: Sol Shuster, Erwin Dreessen, Ron Rancourt, J. P. Unger,Joseph Potvin.
1. Welcome and Introductions.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
Motion: Chris moved and Amy seconded adoption of the agenda as amended. Carried.
3. Approval of minutes of June 18, 2009
Deferred, due to the lack of a hard copy of Chris’s draft minutes for discussion. Chris’s departure to Indonesia and Eric stepping in to replace Chris.
4. Membership report: There was nothing new to report.
5. Treasurer’s report: Janice reported on current balances.
6. Business Arising:
a) Official Plan: The following items were identified for an appeal of the 2009 Official Plan (OPA 76):
1- Flewellyn Road policy
2- Airport land use policy and Transportation
3- Section 4.7.4 – Species at risk policy
4- Section 4.8.7 – Contaminated land fills identification
The still pending NCC appeal of the 2003 OP should also be noted.
Motion: Amy moved and Chris seconded that Cheryl prepare a document to send to MMAH explaining their missed opportunities to enhance the OP for the City of Ottawa An appeal will be subject to any amendments MMAH may make to the Council-approved OP.
b) Fernbank Development OPA #77
was identified for an appeal to the OMB as it was approved by council on June 24, 2009.
Motion: Amy moved and Mik seconded to prepare an appeal of these items.
Motion: Amy moved and Chris seconded to allocate $125 for this appeal.
c) Poets Pathway update
The June 19 fundraiser was successful and very well attended. Another fundraiser is planned for September 24th, 2009 at the Elmvale tavern. We asked Chris to keep us informed if they needed help.
A new website is being developed by Ron Rancourt & Mary Hardy.
d) Greenbelt Coalition
There were no new developments to report.
e) Memorials
f) Interprovincial Bridge
There was nothing to report.
g) Leitrim Wetlands
Via counsel, the Greenspace Alliance has received a request for payment by Tartan lawyers for the amount of $26,400, which includes interest.
7. Discussion Items
a) Annual General Meeting
Action Items:
– Cheryl to reserve a room at City Hall.
– Mary Lemay has graciously agreed to be our guest speaker.
– Cheryl to organize a nominating committee. It will start by asking previous board members whether they will stand again.
b) Reimbursement to Amy
Amy agreed to check her documents for the exact amount she temporarily donated to the incorporation of the Friends of the Greenspace Alliance.
c) Attracting younger and more multi-ethnic members
Motion: Eric, seconded by Mik, moved that Hugh produce a document with recommendations for attracting more members.
8. Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm