General Meeting – 18 April 2001

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:



Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

General Meeting of April 18, 2001

Richmond Room, City Hall, 7:30 p.m.

Documents available: Revised proposed Agenda; Mail File

Present: Barbara Barr, Mary Hegan, Amy Kempster and Bill Royds
Regrets: Erwin Dreessen, Albert Dugal, Dave McNicholl

Guest Speaker: Councillor Gord Hunter

Items of Business:

  1. Approval of agenda. This item was deferred until after Item 2.Guest speaker. At that time the Environmental Advisory Committee terms of reference and the Forest Advisory Committee terms of reference were added as items under 5. new Business
  2. Bill Royds introduced our guest speaker, Gord Hunter, Chair of the Planning and Development Committee.  Mr Hunter’s notes have now been circulated so the minutes will not attempt to summarize them. One strong point he made was to be ahead of the development process in trying to save natural and green areas. He noted the double zoning used in Nepean for school sites which meant that those buying nearby always knew what they might become if not used for a school. The discussion after the talk touched on Leitrim area and on NCC lands.
  3. Approval of the Minutes of March 21, 2001. This item was deferred.
  4. New Members / Renewals /Treasurer’s Report.  This item was deferred but a membership has been received since from Action Chelsea pour le respect de l’environnement-ACRE.

New Business 

a. City of Ottawa Development Approval Process
report: follow-up.  Amy moved and Barb seconded that we work with the FCA on this. Carried.  Barbara and Amy were already on the FCA committee.  Mary asked to be included and Amy agreed to inform Linda Hoad of the FCA

b. Award to Albert Dugal by National Capital Region Wildlife Festival-item deferred.

c. Mutual membership in Peace & Environment Resource Centre (PERC)-item deferred.

d. EAC Terms of reference.  It was agreed that Bill would take the terms of reference off the net and distribute them to all. Mary and Barb will follow-up with proposed comments on these, doing their best to co-ordinate them with the environmental network

e. Forest Advisory Committee Terms of reference.  Bill agreed to distribute these terms of reference as well and to telephone Arthur Matheson to find out if he wished us to comment.

6. Business Arising / Brief Reports / Items Deferred

Items from March 21 Minutes.  Items with new information will include:
– June 3 Run for Clean Air: update Amy reported briefly that although sponsors other than the Ottawa Citizen and the Running Room and a design firm had not been found we were doing better in collecting door prizes.
– Official Plans available on City web site?-deferred
– expanding the use of our flora web site: proposal-deferred
– Leitrim Wetlands update and action items-it was decided to seek a delay in the capital items for Leitrim.  The e-mail list should be alerted and a letter sent.
– Kitchener/Walkley meeting report and status-deferred.
– Ottawa River project update-deferred but see recent e-mail
– Poets’ Pathway update-deferred
– Mayor’s Summit: report-not much new-deferred
– Earth Day kiosk-were too late but Bill will be there at Field Naturalists and will take brochures
– NCC Sussex Circle report: -deferred
– Summary of Central Park Greenway status-may be favourable

7. Adjournment.

Next Meeting May 16, 2001 Honeywell Room, City hall.

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