Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
Meeting of October 20, 2005
Billings Room, City Hall
A brief business meeting was held following the AGM.
Attending: Amy Kempster, Bill Royds (chair), Chris Szpak, Daphne McCree, Erwin Dreessen (notetaker)
Minutes of the September meeting were not available. (ACTION: Bill to provide.)
An Agenda was agreed upon.
1. Leitrim: the appeal period for Official Plan and Zoning Amendments and the Plan of Subdivision for the Aperdev lands ends October 24/25. It was agreed that the Alliance would appeal only the Zoning amendment, and this on condition that the Sierra Club is prepared to provide the resources to pursue the appeal. (ACTION: Bill to pursue with Albert Dugal and the Sierra Club – Elisabeth May.)
2. 5309 Bank Street: Erwin provided an update, announcing that the Alliance has now appealed both the Official Plan and Zoning amendments (the latter made possible because Council re-passed the zoning amendment by-law and this time sent out the required Notices) and that the Ministry of Natural Resources, on October 4, has forwarded the quarry licence application to the OMB as well, in light of the final Objections filed by the Alliance and others. He also gave a heads-up about an alternative or complementary way of saving this natural area.
3. KNL Appeal: Amy provided an update, announcing that a long list of witness statements had been filed, in preparation for a hearing that is to start on November 7. An earlier hearing had rejected the 40% Agreement as an issue in the main hearing but had left the issue of environmental areas on the table. There will be an evening session of the hearing on November 9 when participants can make statements.
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.