Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
Minutes of the General Monthly Meeting of 21 May 2009
Champlain Field House, 149 Cowley Avenue
Started: 7:20 p.m.
Members present: Cheryl Doran (Chair), Chris Szpak (minute taker), Barry George, Sol Shuster, JP Unger, Chris Woodward
Regrets: Erwin Dreessen, Amy Kempster. Joseph Potvin, Janice Seline
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Adoption of the Agenda:
Motion: Chris S. moved and seconded by Chris W. to adopt the Agenda as amended. Carried.
3. Approval of the minutes of previous meetings:
Motion: Chris S. moved and seconded by Barry G. to approve the minutes as amended for the 16 April general meeting. Carried.
4. Membership Report:
Nothing new to report.
5. Treasurer’s Report:
6. Business Arising:
a) Official Plan Review: the Alliance’s OP Review Subcommittee gave an oral presentation to the special joint meeting on May 11. The Alliance is specifically addressing the possibility of prohibiting country lot subdivisions in the rural area, holding the urban boundary as it is, and advocating for more specific language to protect species at risk and their habitat. A detailed written submission will be submitted in the first week of June before the OP amendment is considered by Council, June 10.
b) EcoFair: it was agreed that the Alliance should continue its participation in the EcoFair. Recommendations to improve the exhibition stand were discussed. Barry G. will follow up with Mikelis Svilans.
c) Plant Sale: the sale was a success and thanks were expressed to Janice Seline and participating volunteers. It was felt that Albert Dugal should be especially thanked for his contribution.
d) Poets’ Pathway: a benefit concert will be given on June 17 at 7:30 pm at the National Archives. A website is being developed.
e) Leitrim: Sol S. reported that the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) approved a 10 year permit for the developer to draw water. EcoJustice who is representing the Alliance and the Sierra Club of Canada will launch an appeal to the Environment Review Tribunal.
f) Memorials:
Motion: Sol S. moved and Barry G. seconded for the remaining money in the Alliance account to be donated to the Poets’ Pathway in the name of Bill Royds. Enough money should be left to keep open the account. Carried.
g) Greenbelt Coalition: Sol S. reported on a meeting of the Greenbelt Coalition with a consultative team from the NCC. It was understood that the NCC would not make any decisions in lands around the airport until the Airport Master Plan is approved.
7. Discussion Items:
a) Transplan 2009: Cheryl D. will be attending a meeting of the Transit committee on May 27 in order to comment on a proposed park&ride near the airport where there may be possible leaching from a nearby contaminated site.
b) Interprovincial Bridge: nothing to report.
c) Bayview School: Barry G. reported on a new development to take place on the grounds of the former Bayview School. The developer wants to build the housing at the front of the property thus blocking
off the greenspace behind it, as well as the view across to Mooney’s Bay. The community wants the developer to build at the back of the property.
Motion: Barry G. moved and Sol S. seconded that the Alliance support the initiative to have the residential development take place at the “back” of the property if officially asked to by a designated
official of the local community association. Carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Next Meeting scheduled for 18 June 2009