General Meeting – 23 July 2018

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:
July 23, 2018

Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Erwin Dreessen, John Almstedt

Guests: Jade Monahan, Jake Harris

Regrets: Jason Kania, J.P. Unger, Yasmine Belharakat, Lauriane Long-Raymond, Amanda Allnutt, David McNicoll

The meeting commenced at: 7:20pm

  1. Adoption of the agenda

A modified agenda was agreed upon. It was acknowledged that no quorum was formed but that we would proceed with the agenda with no motions made or decisions taken.

  1. Administrative items

a. Minutes of the June 25, 2018 meeting (for approval)

Paul will circulate a revised version of the minutes. It was noted that the action items on the development applications for Wesley Clover Park, 3930 Riverside Drive and 2175 Prince of Wales were completed.

b. Membership/Board report

Another membership renewal was received in the past month, a member renewed at the meeting and a new member applied. As regards Board membership, Jade Monaghan is attending the meeting as a prospective new director.

c. Treasurer’s report

Paul reported on the receipt of membership dues during the month.

d. Webmaster’s report

Nothing to report.

 e. Volunteer report

Paul indicated that Volunteer Ottawa postings would be made for recording secretary and website assistance.

f. Geodata report 

Nothing to report.

 g. Association reports

Nothing to report.

h. Annual Report translation

Paul reported that the 2016-17 report was recently translated into French pro bono by an acquaintance. A brief discussion ensued on whether to have the 2017-18 report translated professionally or on a volunteer basis.  A posting will be made to Volunteer Ottawa.

Policy Instruments


  1. Municipal Election Strategy

    2018 Municipal Election Strategy

    Paul reported that a new draft of the candidate questionnaire was in the works based on the comments received at the June meeting. Survey topics were reviewed and additional ideas for candidate views on green infrastructure and ecosystem services were put forward. Jake reported that he had compiled a list of email addresses for the candidates declared to date and that it would be complete by the July 27 deadline for candidate declaration.

    Action: Paul to circulate a revised draft of the questionnaire. Jake and Amanda to coordinate the conduct of the survey.

Threats and Opportunities


  1. RURAL

    Chalk River

    Chalk River nuclear waste disposal plan

    Paul reported on communication from Lynn Jones on behalf of the Concerned Citizens group. We are invited to participate in a “Red Canoe” march planned for August 22 in downtown Ottawa to help keep the awareness of the issue in the news. John suggested that the GA could perhaps do more to heighten knowledge and understanding of the issue by organizing a speaker’s bureau or panel with experts in the field.

    Action: Paul to contact Ecology Ottawa and others on the possibility of organizing such an event.


    KNL Zoning By-Law Application

    Paul reviewed the details of the planning application for this large new development in the Kanata Highlands. All the expected greenspace retention seems to be confirmed. However, questions remain concerning the stormwater management plans for Phases 7 and 8 of the development, the ownership of the new EP land in the northeast part of the property and the status of the land to the southeast (Monk Environmental Forest).

    Action: Paul to contact the city planner and/or proponent to seek additional information on the application.

  3. OTHER

    Carp River Environmental Area

    John, who has been following this item closely over many years, gave an update on the current status and future plans for this area, which resulted from the Carp River Restoration Project. It opened to the public on June 19. It features paved walking paths and signage along the newly meandering Carp River, wet meadows and other naturalized features that were built jointly by the City and the Kanata West Owners Group. It is now time to promote responsible use of this new environmental area. It was suggested that a bio-blitz could be organized with the Ottawa Field Naturalists Club.  Further information about this area can be found here and here.

    Action: Paul to contact the OFNC about holding an appropriate activity in the area.

  4. Stonebridge Golf Course

    Paul reported on a contact from the local community association concerned about development plans put forward by Mattamy that would convert parts of the Stonebridge Golf Course as new residential development. We would generally align with the residents to prevent this loss of greenspace. (Post scriptum: Mattamy has withdrawn this application.)

  5. Concord Tree

    Paul reported on a contact from a concerned resident regarding a very contentious distinctive tree removal for an infill project in Old Ottawa East which will likely involve a precedent setting private lawsuit against the developer. More information will be shared as this action is formalized.

  6. 21 Withrow


    The developer has appealed the Committee of Adjustment’s minor variance refusal.

    Action: Paul to write re Plan of Subdivision application.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30.