General Meeting – 24 November 2005

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Minutes of the General Meeting of 24 November 2005

Champlain Park Field House


Members: Chris Szpak (Chair & Secretary), Erwin Dreessen, Carol Gudz, Amy Kempster, Janice Seline.

Meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m.

1.       Adoption of the Agenda:

The following items were added:

–  New item 5: appointment of new Director

–   Under re-numbered item 6 (Treasurer’ s Report):

o    Renewal of Domain Name

o    Additional Director for signing authority

–  Under item 8 (New Business):

o    City draft budget

o    Establish committee on UN As

Motion: A. Kempster moved and E. Dreessen seconded acceptance of the Agenda as amended.  Carried.

2.     Minutes of October Meeting:

Motion: E. Dreessen moved and A. Kempster seconded to approve the minutes of the 20 October 2005 general meeting.  Carried.

3.     Approval of the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of September 16, 2004:

Motion: E. Dreessen moved and A. Kempster seconded to approve the minutes of the September 16, 2004 Annual General meeting as amended with the addition of item 4 – the Adoption of the minutes of the 2003 AGM. Carried.

4.       Membership Report:

(a)      Motion: J. Seline moved and E. Dreessen seconded to accept the membership applications of Ted Cooper, Carol Gudz and Stephen Hazel. Carried.

(b)      J. Seline (Director responsible for membership) also reported on the Run/ Walk initiative of the past year.   Due to the weak response and flagging interest on the part of the other organizations involved, it was decided that the Alliance would no longer be involved in this initiative; however, it was recognized that funds would need to be attracted in other ways.

Members are to think of other fund-raising activities for the Alliance.

5.     Appointment of New Director:

Motion: A. Kempster moved and E. Dreessen seconded the appointment of Carol Gudz as a Director of the Greenspace Alliance.  Carried.

6.      Treasurer’s Report and Auditor’s Review of Fiscal Year 2005:

A. Kempster gave a brief report on bank balances.

A. Kempster will prepare a report on the results of fundraising for the KNL appeal.

(a) Motion: A. Kempster moved and J. Seline seconded to accept the Auditor ‘s report for the FY2005.  Carried.

(b) Motion: A. Kempster moved and J. Seline seconded to authorize J. Seline, C. Gudz and E. Dreessen to have signing authority over the Alliance ‘s funds. Carried.

(c) Motion: Dreessen moved and J. Seline seconded to renew the Alliance’s Domain Name. Carried.

7.     Business Arising from Minutes:

(a)     15 & 81 Colonnade Road:

E. Dreessen reported on the PEC meeting on November 22 which covered the proposed development at 15 & 81 Colonnade Road and where he made a presentation on behalf of the Alliance requesting that some of the cash-in-lieu be allocated to the Poets’ Pathway.  However, the Committee failed to consider the proposal. A possibility remained that Council would include the proposal; this would have to be supported by the Ward Councillor.

E. Dreessen will pursue the possibilities to lobby Council for an allocation for the Poets Pathway.

(b)     5309 Bank Street:

E. Dreessen reported that both the Alliance’s Official Plan and Zoning appeal as well as the quarry licence application are now before the OMB. Efforts are under way to obtain copies of certain critical reports.

(c)  Leitrim:

Albert Dugal has asked concerned groups such as the Alliance to support his request for an Individual Provincial Environmental Assessment for the new stormwater management system for the Leitrim Community.

Motion: E. Dreessen moved and A. Kempster seconded that a letter be written to the Minister of the Environment supporting A. Dugal’s request. Carried.

E. Dreessen will draft a letter to the MOE.

(d)  KNL Appeal:

The Alliance participated in an OMB hearing regarding the KNL appeal on November 7-9.  This was the last opportunity to protect as much as possible land of high environmental value currently designated for development. A final decision from the OMB is pending.

(e)   Country Lot Estates Appeal:

The Alliance is currently in negotiations with the City regarding its appeal dealing with country lot estates.  The Alliance seeks to limit country lot estate development in the rural area and to protect Natural Rural Features.  The City had recently proposed a re-wording of the applicable sections in the Official Plan; however, the Alliance has found the City’s changes inadequate.

C. Szpak will draft a letter in reply to the latest suggested changes by the City.

(f)  Carp River Flood Plain:

The Alliance has been made aware of the environmental threat that is posed by the landfill and future development of the Carp River flood plain that is being planned by the City and various developers.  It was proposed that the Alliance work together with other environmental groups such as the Sierra Club to make their concerns known to the City and the relevant provincial ministries (Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Transport).

Motion: A. Kempster moved and E. Dreessen seconded to have the Alliance take part in the effort to alert the pertinent Ministries, the City and the public to the potential environmental threat faced by the Carp River flood plain. Carried.

(g)   Poets’ Pathway:

(i)   E. Dreessen reported that at least fifty people attended the Dead Poets Live! event held at the Beechwood Cemetery, November 17. All proceeds from the event went to support the Poet’s Hill project — a site at Beechwood Cemetery dedicated to the memory of local and national writers.

(ii)  The NCC has asked for comments on its Draft Strategic Plan for the “Pathway Network of Canada’s Capital Region” (November 2005).

E. Dreessen will draft comments.

8.      New Business

(a)     City Draft Budget:

Motion: A. Kempster moved and C. Szpak seconded to establish a committee to prepare a submission on the City’s 2006 draft budget. Carried.

The Committee (A. Kempster & C. Szpak) will prepare a draft submission to City Council.

(b) Urban Natural Areas:

It was agreed that a committee be struck to monitor the state of Urban Natural Areas (UNA) as identified in the Urban Natural Areas Environmental Evaluation Study done by the City (March 2005).

It was also felt that City Staff should be more cognizant of the UNAEE and take it into account when considering development proposals.

E. Dreessen will draft a letter to N. Lathorp to make staff more aware of UNAs.

9.   Adjournment:

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

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