Members Present: Paul Johanis (chair), Erwin Dreessen, Nicole DesRoches (vice-chair), J.P. Unger (director), Kate Punnett (director)
Guests: Amanda Allnutt, Jake Harris, Matthew Darwin, Brittney Bourdages, Denys Cooper
Regrets: Amy Steele, Jason Kania, Ben Christy, David McNicoll
The meeting commenced at 7:15pm.
- Adoption of the agenda
A modified agenda was agreed upon.
- Administrative items
2.1 Minutes of March 26, 2018 meeting (for approval)
Erwin moved, seconded by Nicole to accept the revised minutes as final.
2.2 Membership/Board report
Amanda produced a summary of the current status of renewals, which was presented by Paul. A number of past due reminders are outstanding and many renewals are coming up in May.
Action: Renewal reminders will be sent.
2.3 Treasurer’s report
A cheque was issued to reimburse Paul for the payment of the $175 membership fee with Volunteer Ottawa approved at last month’s meeting.
2.4 Webmaster’s report: update, brainstorm
Paul reported that there are readily available WordPress plugins to implement the various features we would like to update the look and function of our website. One of these features is online sign on/renewal and payment of membership fees. While Erwin noted that this had been considered before and not actioned, it was agreed that it was worth examining again now that the website is under Word Press.
Action: Paul will look into implementing these features.
2.5 Volunteer report: Volunteer Ottawa renewal
Our membership with Volunteer Ottawa has been renewed.
2.6 Geodata report: update
Brittney gave a presentation on the work she has completed on the greenspace inventory and mapping project. Her presentation slides are here. She provided details on the methodology she used to assemble and analyze the geodata required to answer the following questions, based on the City’s Official Plan: 1) Does Otttawa provide 4 hectares of greenspace for every 1000 population, and 2) Is every residence within 400 meters of accessible greenspace. She showed how she could provide preliminary responses to both questions. The presentation led to a many questions and good discussion. Matthew, who is active in Open Street Map Ottawa (OSM), which is the underlying GIS infrastructure used by Brittney, provided helpful comments and clarifications. It was agreed that this was a very good approach and sound methodology. What remains to be done is to provide additional classification breakdowns to further qualify the types of greenspace, including the meaning of “accessible” according to the City’s Official Plan. The next step therefore is to further “tag” the geographic data to make these distinctions.
Action: Paul and Brittney to meet on a first draft of a tagging structure, making as much use as possible of existing OSM tags.