General Meeting – August 22, 2016

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:


Greenspace Watch

General Meeting

August 22, 2016

Hintonburg Community Centre

1064 Wellington Street West

K1Y 2Y3

Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Erwin Dreessen (notetaker), Amy Steele, Bruce Lindsay, Juan Pedro Unger

Regrets: Nicole DesRoches, Jason Kania, David McNicoll, Judy Makin, Iola Price

Manqué: Sol Shuster

Nicole provided a written report.

The meeting commenced at 7:15 p.m.

1. Adoption of the Agenda

A modified agenda was agreed upon.

2. Administrative items

a. Minutes of July 25, 2016: Erwin moved, seconded by Bruce, to adopt the Minutes as amended. Agreed.

b. Treasurer’s report: Paul moved, seconded by Amy, to compensate him for the $300.00 fee for the appeal of OPA 173 (Kanata North). Agreed.

3. Celebrating 2017

Nicole has confirmed that she’ll prepare a grant application to the City before the September 15 deadline. She, John Almstedt and Don Paskovich met with NCC officials on August 17 about a shoreline restoration plan at Westboro Beach / Remic Rapids. A draft will be tabled at the NCC’s September 15 Board meeting, with a final plan expected in April. In collaboration with the Champlain Park and Westboro Beach CAs (and perhaps Ottawa Riverkeeper), and the NCC, this could be the venue for our “event” aimed at improving public access and monitoring water quality. Action: Nicole will circulate a draft application to the Board; Amy will contact the Champlain Park CA; Paul will coordinate these various efforts.

4. Kanata North

A Part II Order request to the Ministry of Environment & CC, and an appeal of OPA 173 to the OMB were submitted before the deadlines. The Part II Order request concerns Stormwater Pond #3 which is located in the adjacent rural area without policy justification for this deviation from “standard practice.” The OPA appeal is on three grounds: 1- the evaluation of woodlot S20; 2- the deficiency in the Notice, post-Bill 73; 3- non-conformity with section 3.11.2 of the Official Plan — the amendment is premature.

5. New issues

a. Canadensis Botanical Garden project: Following his op-ed in the Ottawa Citizen arguing that the Central Experimental Farm already has a botanical garden, Pete Anderson met with the promoters of a botanical garden in the triangular section of land south of Fletcher Garden between the Canal and Prince of Wales Drive (about 34 acres). Their proposal of two years ago is being reworked. Once the Ottawa Hospital has been chased off the Farm, this issue is bound to become a discussion point with the Coalition to Protect the Farm. Action: Paul will obtain more information about the Canadensis proposal and bring the matter forward at a next meeting.

b. New construction in Gatineau Park: Once again another new house being built in Gatineau Park made the news (Joanne Laucius in the Citizen; an op-ed by Nikita Lopoukhine). In aforementioned August 17 meeting with NCC officials, it was admitted that a special status for these homes must be devised, not unlike a heritage designation. Nicole reported that she has advocated this solution over the years before Parliamentary committees.

6. Action updates

a. OMB reform: A letter was sent on August 4. A government Discussion Paper is expected in the Fall.

b. EBR Review: We await advice from Ian White and Ken Buchan (deadline is November 8).

c. Conservation Authorities Act review: Action: Erwin will prepare a response before the September 9 deadline, based on our October 2015 submission and reports from David McNicoll.

d. NCC – Plan for Canada’s Capital: We noted the 17 priorities identified in the draft Plan and were generally pleased, specifically with ## 6. Accessible and Enhanced Shorelines and Green Spaces, 11. Improve Interprovincial Transportation, Transit Integration, and Multi-Modal Connections, 13. Regeneration of the Capital Forest, 14. Secure ecological corridors and protect the natural environment, and 16. Revitalize the Ruisseau de la Brasserie sector. Bruce and Nicole replied to the survey.

e. Letter to Steve Kanellakos: We saw merit in having a “hard talk” with the City Manager to discuss the City’s response to recent adverse OMB decisions, the need for a permit system if a site alteration by-law is to be effective, the status of amendments to the Development Charges by-law, and the prospect of a “new” Official Plan post-2019. Action: Bruce will ask the FCA Executive if they wish to co-request the meeting.

f. Urban Forest Management Plan: A draft report is expected in the Fall.

g. Protection of the Central Experimental Farm: The Coalition has advised the NCC on stakeholder lists and evaluation criteria. There will be a stakeholders meeting on August 31 or September 1. Documents will become available on September 12 and a public meeting will be held on September 22; there will also be an on-line survey.

h. “Overall benefit” permit to destroy Banding’s Turtle habitat: We responded to EBR 012-8004, endorsing the comments submitted by the OFNC.

i. Remer zoning amendment application: We were belatedly made aware of an application that now seems headed for Planning Committee on October 11. Action: Erwin to discuss with Albert Dugal if a meeting with City staff is warranted.

j. LEAR review update: The advisory committee’s work is now in the final stretch, with an end result that will be more defensible than the 1997 review. It looks like more, not less land will become agricultural resource area.

7. New business

In an email to Board members before the meeting Erwin had announced his decision to step down from the co-chair role and the Board effective at our September meeting. Various aspects of the transition were discussed and agreed upon:

– on a motion by Bruce, seconded by Amy, Paul was elected to become co-chair;

– Amy agreed to become Treasurer again;

– on a motion by Bruce, seconded by Erwin, we will re-apply for membership in Volunteer Ottawa @175/year and actively pursue finding us a recording secretary from its pool. Action: Erwin to follow up;

– Bruce will liaise with FCA;

– JP will be prime on mailbox duty, with Bruce as back-up;

– letterhead and web site contact information will be changed to Paul’s;

– Paul will take over coordination of volunteer students;

Erwin will continue to represent the GA on the FCA Governance Committee and remain active on a number of files including the subscriber survey, the site alteration by-law, parts of the Kanata North appeal, and the Inquiry on cash-in-lieu of parkland.

Liaison with the OFNC Conservation Committee, the Healthy Transportation Coalition and NCENN is to be determined.

The meeting adjourned at 9:58 p.m.

The next meeting will be on September 26, 2016 at 7:15 p.m. at the Hintonburg CC.

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