Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Nicole DesRoches, Jason Kania, Erwin Dreessen, Arto Keklikian, Iola Price, Tony Keith, Terry McIntyre, William van Geest (guest)
1. Adoption of the agenda
The proposed agenda was agreed upon, with the addition of item 3b. Right of Way Bylaw.
Moved by Iola, seconded by Nicole. Approved.
2. Administrative items
a. Minutes of November 18 2024 meeting (for approval)
Moved by Erwin, seconded by Nicole. Carried.
b. Website report
Paul reported that the new website was now operational, with the issues previously reported largely corrected so that the thematic and chronological order of the content was restored and coverage expanded. There will be ongoing review of the content to pick up any remaining problems. Changes will also be made to the ordering of the entries in the Readings section to restore the chronological order as before. Paul thanked Jason for the extra work and support he provided during the development and implementation phase of the project.
c. Association reports
Nicole gave a report on the November 27 webinar she attended at which she presented on behalf of the GA. It was organized by Les Amis des Parcs (Park People). This national organization is trying to extend its reach into the francophone community. Nicole asked members for assistance in identifying francophone networks and community contacts in Ottawa in this regard.