Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Erwin Dreessen, Nicole Desroches, David McNicoll, Jason Kania, J.P. Unger
The meeting commenced at 7:20pm
- Adoption of the agenda
The proposed agenda was agreed upon. New items 4c.ii and 4c.iii were added under threats to other greenspace.
- Administrative items
a. Minutes of the November 26, 2018 meeting (for approval)
Erwin moved, seconded by Nicole, to adopt the minutes of the November 26 meeting as presented. Agreed.
b. Membership/Board report
Nothing to report.
c. Treasurer’s report
Nothing to report.
d. Webmaster’s report
Nothing to report.
e. Volunteer report
Nothing to report
f. Geodata report
Paul and Adam met with the data manager of the Ottawa Neighbourhood Study on December 6 concerning possible collaboration on greenspace inventory and mapping at the neighbourhood level. After a good exchange of information on the respective interests and capacity, we agreed to remain in communication about possible future cooperation. Paul indicated that he would be happy to give a presentation about the Greenspace Alliance mapping project to the Board of the ONS.
g. Association reports
Paul attended the FCA general meeting of December 12 and reported that no issues related to greenspace were discussed. Nicole reported on an Ottawa River watershed meeting organized by the Ottawa Riverkeeper on November 30. About 30 participants from Environment Canada, le Groupe des 7, the RCVA, the City of Ottawa and the Mayor of La Pêche attended. She reported on engineering works by Energy Ottawa to facilitate movement of eels and sturgeon upstream and downstream at the Chaudiere Falls.