Pinesi portage project:
Paul reported on the successful trail inauguration event which was held on July 1 at New Edinburg Park. It was well attended and garnered very good media coverage, with the Chief and Council members from Pikewakanagan, and elected officials from the three levels of government taking part in the proceedings. Not all elements of the project have yet been finalized however, in particular the commemorative mural has yet to be completed and installed on the New Edinburg Park field house.
Regarding the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative grant, Paul sought the direction of members on whether to take the off ramp offered by the grant administrator, Community Foundations of Canada, to curtail the project to the City of Ottawa only trail loop, funded with the first slice of funding provided, or hold out for the full funding pending the NCC’s eventual approval of an extended loop over NCC lands. It was agreed that the uncertainty around the timing and intentions of the NCC on the matter represented too great a financial risk to the GA and that it was preferable to take the off ramp and bring the project to a close pending the completion of all activities related to the City of Ottawa only loop, ensuring it is fully financed by the grant.