Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Nicole DesRoches, Iola Price, Erwin Dreessen, Jason Kania
- Adoption of the agenda
The proposed agenda was agreed upon. Moved by Iola, seconded by Erwin.
- Administrative items
a) Minutes of May 29, 2023 meeting (for approval)
Moved by Erwin, seconded by Jason. Carried.
b) Association reports
Paul reported on the Foire Ecologique held by the Réseau francophone des organisations environnementales de la Capitale nationale on July 9 at Parc Riverain. The GA had a table and interacted with members of the public and groups with which we have had little or no previous contact, further building out our network. He also informed the group that the arrangements for a commemorative tree in memory of Amy Kempster have been finalized. Planting should occur in the fall near the Champlain Park fieldhouse.
c) Treasurer’s report
Paul reported that the annual plant sale netted $1191, now deposited to our account. Many thanks to member Janice Seline for her tireless work organizing this annual fundraiser. He also reported that the first slice of the grant money from the Community Services Recovery Fund has been received.