Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Nicole DesRoches, Daniel Buckles, Iola Price, David McNicoll, J.P. Unger, Erwin Dreessen, Jason Kania
The meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.
- Adoption of the agenda
The proposed agenda was agreed upon, with the addition of a reimbursement request from Jason under agenda item 2b. Moved by Erwin, seconded by Nicole. Carried.
- Administrative items
a. Minutes of the February 21, 2022 meeting (for approval)
Moved by Erwin, seconded by David. Carried.
b. Treasurer’s report: Paul requested reimbursement for payment of the GA’s membership with Volunteer Ottawa, annual fee of $175. Moved by Jason, seconded by Iola. Carried. Jason requested reimbursement for payment of the GA’s invoice for annual server rental, $146.90. Moved by Jason, seconded by Nicole. Carried.
Paul presented the budget for the Pinesi Portage trail project, which is being financed by a Canada Healthy Communities Initiative grant. The purpose was to establish a financial control process for upcoming disbursements under this grant so that invoices could be paid for this purpose without individual board motions at a general meeting. With two signatories for each disbursement by e-transfer, post verification by JP as the GA email moderator, and a monthly report to the general meeting, this was deemed a sufficient measure of financial control for this purpose over the next few months. The grant runs out in July 2022.
Finally, it was confirmed that the Friends of the Farm plant sale would be held on May 15 2002 and that the GA would have a table at the sale.
c. Association reports: Paul reported on the use of our updated logo on a flyer being distributed by the Ottawa Carleton Wildlife Centre. Iola asked if it could be shared with members. Paul reported on a public engagement he had with a class of adult students at Algonquin College and an interview he gave for the Decarbonize Ottawa podcast. Iola and Erwin reported on the CAFES AGM held March 21 and Daniel gave a report on the ReImagine Ottawa rally to protect greenspace held at Dow’s Lake on March 19. Both these events were well attended and attest greater mobilization around climate, greenspace and environmental issues.
d. Volunteer report: Paul reported that two volunteers had approached the GA over the last month and that both had responded positively to proposed assignments. Connor Lalande will take on communications tasks, preparing texts for dissemination through the GA list and social media regarding threats to greenspace while Michelle Christy will monitor the Engage Ottawa website and report regularly on public engagement opportunities with greenspace implications.