Minutes of the AGM, 23 May 2013

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:


Greenspace Watch

Annual General Meeting May 23, 2013

Hintonburg Community Centre

1064 Wellington Street West

K1Y 2Y3



Draft Minutes

Members present: Amy Kempster (chair), David McNicoll, Jason Kania, Lorne Peterson, Erwin Dreessen (note taker)

Guests: Nicole DesRoches, Bettina Henkelman

Regrets: Elina Elnione, Sol Shuster, Martin Callsen, Juan Pedro Unger

The meeting commenced at 7:22 p.m.

New Members

Erwin moved, seconded by Lorne, that Bettina and Nicole be accepted as new members. Approved.

Minutes of the AGM of May 29, 2012

Erwin moved, seconded by David, that the Minutes of the AGM of May 29, 2012 be accepted. Approved.

Annual Report

Amy summarized from a draft report worked on by Elina, Amy and Erwin. The report covers our activities under 17 headings. Primary preoccupations were with the urban boundary appeals of Ottawa’s 2009 Official Plan, the campaign for a change in City policy regarding the Emerald Ash Borer, comment on the draft revised Provincial Policy Statement, the final phase of the Greenbelt Master Plan review, and the current review of the Ottawa Official Plan.

Various points were discussed along the way. The report will be finalized over the next few days and then distributed and posted.

Financial Report

Erwin moved acceptance of a report of revenues and expenses, showing a net balance of $1,177.06 on March 31, 2013. Nicole seconded. Approved.

Election of Chair and Directors

Erwin agreed to serve as Chair. Amy, Jason, Sol, Elina and Juan Pedro agreed to continue as Director. Nicole agreed to join the Board. Martin has indicated he may be in a position to rejoin later in the year.


David suggested that, instead of reacting, we try to tackle the bigger picture: What areas do we want to protect in Eastern Ontario? Amy pointed out that small pockets of greenspace are not to be neglected. Also, the NCC’s Urban Lands Master Plan review should become a priority; we should probably form a coalition around it, covering both the Quebec and Ontario side. Nicole noted that Gatineau’s Official Plan is to be adopted in the fall. Erwin suggested that, beyond the current review of the Ottawa Official Plan (including the Development Charges review), important files are the Rockcliffe Airbase Community Design Plan and the site alteration by-law expected to surface later this year. Also to be monitored is any proposal to amend the National Capital Act. (Budget Implementation Bill C-60 is amending only the mandate portion of the NCC which was announced in the March Budget Speech)

Organizationally, Erwin suggested that our top priority should be to find a Membership chair. More web site content providers would also be helpful. Conversion of our web site and mailing list to a dedicated server is imminent. He also forewarned that proceeds from the plant sale will be considerably less this year than last, which may result in the need for greater effort to solicit donations.


The meeting concluded at 8:44 p.m.

Policy Instruments


    Threats and Opportunities
