New appointments at the NCC

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On October 12, 2007, Minister Cannon, the Minister responsible for the NCC, announced new appointments at the Commission. Ms. Marie Lemay was appointed Chief Executive Officer (replacing Micheline Dubé, who remains Executive Vice-President); and former Ottawa Mayor Jacquelin Holzman and financial advisor Kory Bobrow were appointed to a 2-year and 4-year term on the Commission respectively. Like Ms. Holzman, Mr. Bobrow hails from the National Capital Region.

Ms. Lemay has been CEO of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers since 2000 and has worked for the City of Gatineau and the Township of Chelsea. Her term is for five years, starting January 7, 2008.

Press releases from Transport Canada:

on the appointment of the new CEO: [no longer online]

on the appointment of the two new Directors: [no longer online]

Press coverage: Patrick Dare in The Citizen of October 13, 2007, page E3. [no longer online]