Next stages in the review of Ottawa’s Official Plan (Apr – Nov 2008)

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On April 17, 2008 the City of Ottawa advises:

Official Plan preliminary proposals ready for public review

The City of Ottawa will table a report of preliminary proposals resulting from the initial review of the Official Plan and the Infrastructure Master Plan at Planning and Environment Committee meeting on April 22.

The Official Plan must be reviewed every five years as mandated by the Ontario Planning Act. The existing policies and strategic directions are revisited and, in consultation with Ottawa’s residents, revisions and updates can be made to reflect the city’s current growth challenges.

Stage 1 of the Beyond Ottawa 2020 initiative began last May with an identification of issues. Using the White Paper approach, Stage 2 of the process invited residents to attend a series of discussion groups to engage in conversation with other residents on several topic areas. Discussion and feedback opportunities were also provide through the online forum – OttawaTALKS.

“The public consultation sessions held throughout last fall provided valuable insights and perceptions which are reflected in these proposals. The public’s participation in this review is an integral component and directly related to the smart growth and development of the City,” said Mayor Larry O’Brien.

Feedback received through the consultation sessions and online discussion has led to the preliminary proposals in this report. Three issues have been identified that will require significant consideration:

+ Urban Intensification: Setting of citywide intensification target and strategy for successful implementation.

+ Urban Boundary: Establishment of “performance-based” urban boundary and the identification of Future Urban Areas where development could occur following achievement of intensification targets and other requirements

+ Amount of Rural Development: Assess and build consensus on the amount and distribution of rural development.

“This review is an update of the plans and not a return to first principles. Unlike the creation of the 2003 Official Plan, land-use designations are not changing to any great extent so few individuals properties are affected”, said Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager, Planning, Transit and the Environment.

Further consultation will take place throughout May and June with residents, community associations and stakeholder groups in both the urban and rural areas.

City staff will review and evaluate all information received. Outcomes from this consultation will be presented to the Planning and Environment Committee as a draft Official Plan amendment in November. A final report will be forwarded to City Council for adoption in early 2009.


UPDATE – May 18, 2008

Please note that the actual proposals are contained in two documents:

+ a 98-page 1.34 MB pdf with the proposals and rationales:

+ a 33-page 305 KB pdf with the proposals in tabular form:

There are also three documents on the Infrastructure Master Plan review:

+ a 21-page document with preliminary proposals:

+ “Managing infrastructure capacity to support intensification and infill”:

+ “Infrastructure Minor Policy Area Changes”:

Paper copies of all these documents may be obtained by contacting Lesley Paterson at the City e-mail Lesley.Paterson ( at ), or phone 613-580-2424 x 21611.


Three public meetings on intensification
On May 7, the City of Ottawa announced three opportunities to discuss the issue of intensification in the context of the review of the Official Plan:

Intensification Discussion with Dimitri Roussopoulos, founder and CEO of Urban Ecology.

How do we reconcile community aspirations for intensification with the principles of the Official Plan?

Hosted by Councillor Clive Doucet

May 27, 2008
7 to 9 p.m.
Council Chambers – City Hall
110 Laurier Avenue West

Panel Discussion: The Economics of Intensification

May 29, 2008
7 to 9 p.m.
Ben Franklin Place – Former Council Chambers
101 Centrepointe Drive

Panel Discussion: Intensification That Fits –Supporting Intensification Through Good Design and Collaboration

June 3, 2008
7 to 9 p.m.
Ben Franklin Pace – Former Council Chambers
101 Centrepointe Drive

All three sessions are open to the general public. The panel discussions will include four subject-matter experts speaking on a variety of opinions and viewpoints on the subject at hand, followed by a moderated question and answer period.

Become informed about changes to the Official Plan and the Infrastructure Master Plan by reading the preliminary proposals and draft policies tabled at Planning and the Environment Committee on April 22, 2008. This information is found under the “Supporting Documents” section of this report.

More information about the Forum will follow in the coming weeks. Mark your calendars now for these important events!


UPDATE — November 9, 2008

Official Plan Review: The final stretch
Look here for the final schedule of dates of meetings and opportunities to comment (November 2008 to March 2009) , expected to lead to Council approval of the revised Plan in April 2009.