Shirley’s Brook: Kanata North

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City planner Prescott MacDonald wrote on December 4, 2006: Attached is...
On March 31, 2006, the Corporate Services Committee considered a project for the Klondike Subdivision:

The 1999 Study by Dillon had recommended corridor widths – including the 55-70m width for the Kizell Drain, where it is now reduced to 15m near the March Pump Station. The study does not show any need for rehabilitation for Shirley’s Brook in the reach where the channelization is proposed for the Klondike Subdivision. Therefore the only justification can be the desire to fill and develop the floodplain.

In order to come close to maintaining floodplain storage / implement the City requested “Two Zone Floodplain Policy”, the consultants propose to hack-up portions of the Klondike Woods (Urban Natural Feature #4) to construct the referenced East SWM Facilities. The MVCA has obligations under the Conservation Authority for flood control, pollution control, and the conservation of land.

Media coverage: Julie Ireton’s report for CBC Ottawa Morning on the flooding in Kanata North,
October 30, 2006 – “Clash between development and environment” (11min26sec): [article no longer online]

Related documents:

The 1999 Shirley’s Brook / Watts Creek Subwatershed Study  was approved at an April 12, 2000 Regional Committee Meeting.  The study is not online but here is a summary.  It recommended an integrated land/water management approach to development in the Shirley’s Brook subwatershed.

Subsequently, in 2001, the Kanata North Environmental/Stormwater Management Plan (KNESMP) was completed to complement the previous subwatershed study.

See also the City’s web site:

And see also the extensive discussion and amendments about “Official Plan, Zoning and draft Plan of Subdivision – 300 Goulbourn Forced Road and 535 Goulbourn Forced Road,” including interventions by Amy Kempster, Mik Svilans and several other Kanata community representatives, at the Planning & Environment Committee meeting of May 11, 2004: