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Policies related to Greenspaces

Zoning bylaw review submission
New updated content: 2024-12-19 12:45:50 The Greenspace Alliance signed...

New updated content: 2022-08-29 09:59:31

Comprehensive Zoning By-law review

Paul provided an update on the pre-consultation work being done by a broad stakeholders group, which includes the GA and the FCA, on the Comprehensive Zoning By-law review. Three meeting have been held to date, each dealing with the potential trade-offs in the context of given high level zoning scenarios applicable to the area designated as Neighbourhood in the new Official Plan. There is an embargo on the details of these discussions but both the GA and the FCA are pushing for greater transparency, at a minimum the publication of an interim report on the work of the group. This will be raised again and discussed at the next meeting of the group in the latter part of September.

New updated content: 2023-03-20 12:07:24

The GA has been invited to continue to participate in the external stakeholders group that was set up last year for advance consultation of the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw review, this time to provide feedback on new Low Rise Design Guidelines. A meeting of the group will be held on March 24.

New updated content: 2023-03-20 12:07:24

The discussion papers for the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw review were published on the Engage Ottawa website on March 6.

New updated content: 2023-11-20 12:54:08

The City’s review of the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw is a critical element in the implementation of the new Official Plan, in particular to support the achievement of the intensification targets. This is of course puts pressure on the urban canopy, which is a pressing issue for the GA. The City is well aware of this tension between intensification and canopy cover and has dedicated one of its 8 discussion papers on the CZBL review to the issue of urban trees. Members agreed that this should be the focus of our attention and participation in the review. CAFES has also is also organizing around the issue of zoning and trees and there are opportunities for collaboration on the analysis of the proposed new zoning provisions and development of common positions through the POP coalition.

New updated content: 2024-04-15 08:20:13

Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw Review

The calendar for the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw Review is taking shape, with the publication of an overview paper on April 18, followed by its presentation to a joint meeting of ARAC and the Planning and Housing Committee on April 29 2024. This will be our first glimpse at the approach and broad directions that the ZBL Review will take. It will be followed by the publication of the first draft of the new Zoning By-law on May 31, 2024.  Our focus will be on zoning provisions that support the preservation of greenspace and tree canopy, and also on provisions that support intensification through more compact, connected and walkable neighbourhoods.

Action: Analyze the April 18 staff report and prepare summary positions on the points of interest to the GA. Coordinate with our POP partners on public delegations at the April 29 joint meeting of ARAC and Planning.

New updated content: 2024-10-21 11:07:36

Things are heating up regarding the City’s review of its Comprehensive Zoning By-law, with comments on Draft 1 of the by-law due by October 31 in advance of Draft 2, which is expected in March 2025. The FCA held a workshop on the review on September 7, which was attended by representatives of 30 community and citizens associations, including the GA. Members of the POP coalition, including the GA, met with City Planning staff on September 9 to focus on ZBL provisions regarding trees, greenspaces and other environmental issues. A staff information memo, which floated ideas on bylaw provisions not previously discussed, was presented to Planning and Housing Committee on September 11. While participating in these activities, the GA will also want to make its own submission before October 31.

Action: Paul to draft a GA submission for review by members addressing primarily trees, greenspaces and other environmental issues.

New updated content: 2024-11-25 12:23:28

With a deadline of October 31 fast approaching, Paul proposed that the GA prepare a submission to the City focussed on zoning measures that take into account making space for trees to grow to maturity so as to maintain and expand the urban forest canopy. He also proposed a second theme pressing the City to demystify the assumptions and methodology surrounding density, which at present are so opaque as to induce fear and rejection on the part of residents, putting in jeopardy the long-term sustainability of the OP strategic direction towards building compact communities.