Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Erwin Dreessen, David McNicoll, Nicole DesRoches, Jason Kania, J.P. Unger
The meeting commenced at 7:20pm.
- Adoption of the agenda
The proposed agenda was agreed upon. Items 4c.iii and iv were added.
- Administrative items
a. Minutes of the February 25 2018 meeting (for approval)
Moved by Erwin, seconded by Nicole, that minutes be approved in principle, subject to Erwin’s further revisions. Carried.
b. Membership report
Nothing to report.
c. Treasurer’s report
Nothing to report
d. Webmaster‘s report
Erwin again raised three issues with the welcome page: the English only title, the trillium emblem and the disposition of the breadcrumbs.
Action: Paul committed to have these addressed before the next meeting.
e. Volunteer report
Our subscription to Volunteer Ottawa is up for renewal. It was agreed that this was a worthwhile service. Renewal moved by Erwin, seconded by Nicole. Carried.
Action: Paul will renew and pay online and seek reimbursement at the next meeting.
f. Geodata report
Nothing to report.
g. Association reports
Erwin attended the FCA general meeting of March 20. We are reminded to pay our annual FCA membership fee. He also reported on the community and local elementary school led development of the Lalande Conservation Park, in the area of the Greater Avalon CA that hosted the meeting. Paul reported on a follow up to our December 6 meeting with the Ottawa Neighbourhood Study regarding greenspace mapping project they are launching, which dovetails with our own inventory and mapping project. They are definitely proceeding with this initiative and we have been invited to be part of a working group they are setting up for the project. Paul reported on Ecology Ottawa’s Youth Climate Ambassador program and the role that the GA will be playing in the training and mentoring of a cohort of participants. Upon reviewing the MOU covering the terms of our participation, it was agreed to sign on and commit to this program. We discussed and agreed not to contribute to funding an ad in the Hill Times proposed by the Concerned Citizens regarding the Chalk River nuclear waste facility. We discussed and agreed to endorse the CPAWS grant application for restoring and preserving natural areas in the Outaouais region, including the Boucher forest.