Goulbourn wetlands boundary changes

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New updated content: 2018-02-26 18:01:19

We wrote to the Chairman of the Environment and Climate Protection Committee explaining what has been happening and requesting that he look into enacting an interim control bylaw to prevent further wetland loss. Response from staff indicate that this mechanism is not applicable in this case and that enforcement of wetland protection rests with the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority. The only real option seems to be appealing the RCVA board decision not to extend protection, which we will look into.

Action: Paul to contact Ken McCrae and Brian Finch about a possible appeal.

New updated content: 2018-03-26 10:04:19

The city is in the process of incorporating these changes into the official plan but only after giving landowners the opportunity to conduct their own studies over the summer to validate the new boundaries. We are concerned that some landowners may fill or alter the wetlands during this period. The only remaining recourse is to contest the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority’s decision not to enforce full protection to the extended boundaries until the City amends the OP.   Paul has written to Ken McRae and Brian Finch to see if they are willing to proceed with an appeal, which we would support. There has been no reply as yet.

New updated content: 2018-11-26 14:54:34

Paul reported that he would be interviewed by Laura Osman of the CBC on landowners’ concerns regarding the upcoming designation of the Goulbourn Provincially Significant Wetlands in the City’s Official Plan. We are on the record in this longstanding controversy urging the City and the Conservation Authority to protect these wetlands.

New updated content: 2018-12-17 15:13:43

Goulbourn Provincially Significant Wetlands update

We had a brief discussion of the recent news coverage regarding this issue and also regarding a recent letter on the subject received at the GA email address raising a number of issues about provincial policies regarding wetlands. We agreed on what the broad terms of our response should be.

Action: Paul will respond to the letter without engaging in argument.

New updated content: 2020-02-17 10:59:34

Goulbourn Provincially Significant Wetland

On the agenda of the Council meeting of February 12, there was an item for a report from ARAC on the Goulbourn Provincially Significant Wetlands. It contained a recommendation to Council to reject staff recommendations regarding an Official Plan amendment and Zoning Bylaw amendment to protect the entirety of the Goulbourn PSW as delineated by the OMNRF in 2019 and to substitute instead its own recommendation to protect only that part which is covered by the Flewellyn Special Study Area (see map). The only rationale provided was that there was “an interest” to do so.

Paul wrote a letter to the mayor, the Chair of ARAC and the local Councillor on behalf of the GA calling on them to designate in the Official Plan the entirety of the GSW, as delineated by the OMNRF, and not just the portion covered by the FSSA.  Other local activists did likewise, but to no avail. Council approved the ARAC recommendation and limited the significant wetland designation in the Official Plan to the FSSA area. It leaves these lands in a state of limbo from a planning perspective. The RVCA has confirmed that it will apply its protection to the entire PSW as delineated in 2019 by the OMNRF so, on the ground, no development, site alteration or vegetation removal will be permitted despite the City’s exclusion of part of the PSW in the OP designation for wetlands. It was basically an empty gesture for purely political purposes.

New updated content: 2020-03-16 12:32:25

Appeals are expected on the Zoning Bylaw and Official Plan Amendment regarding the Goulbourn PSW. We have been included by the City on the list of entities to be kept informed.

New updated content: 2020-04-20 12:42:33

Goulbourn Provincially Significant Wetlands: Five appeals have been received from landowners regarding the recognition in the Goulbourn PSW in the Official Plan. They are on both sides of the issue: some who dispute that their land is part of the PSW, others who want the OP designation extended to cover their lands (only about half of the PSW was so designated in the OP), which the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources mapping no longer identifies as part of the PSW.

New updated content: 2020-10-19 10:11:29

Case Management Conference, Goulbourn PSW Appeals, October 27, 10:00 A.M.

The Case Management conference regarding the appeals to LPAT in relation to the City’s designation in the OP of the Goulbourn PSW has been scheduled. The GA has standing because of its submissions to Committee and Council on the matter. Paul will participate on behalf of the GA.

New updated content: 2020-11-23 10:15:27

LPAT Case Conference. Goulbourn PSW

Paul attended this Case Conference on November 6 as the GA had participated in the process leading up the Official Plan amendment to re-delineate the Goulbourn PSW, which is the subject of appeals by a number of landowners. The GA was recognized by LPAT as a participant in the hearing, along with Ken McRae. Under this new process, participants can only submit written statements.  The next case conference has been scheduled for February 24. It is possible that settlements will be made before, which could be considered at the January 27 Council Meeting.    

New updated content: 2021-03-22 12:04:04

Goulbourn PSW appeal settlement

Paul reported that the City has reached a settlement with one of the appellants on the designation of the Goulbourn PSW as Significant Wetland under the Official Plan designations. Some minor boundary adjustments have likely been agreed to by both parties. Another appeal remains outstanding.