General Meeting – August 29, 2022

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:
August 29, 2022

Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Nicole DesRoches, Erwin Dreessen, David McNicoll, Iola Price, Kate McNeil, Roland Dorsay

The meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

  1. Adoption of the agenda

The proposed agenda was agreed upon, moved by Erwin, seconded by Nicole.

  1. Administrative items

a. Minutes of the July 25, 2022 meetings (for approval)

Moved by Erwin, seconded by Nicole.

Policy Instruments


  1. 763

    Municipal election candidate assessment

    Paul circulated a table listing all candidates for councilor, by ward, with some commentary and preliminary choices for candidates most likely to advance the greenspace and climate agenda. First, we discussed goals and process for this exercise. It was agreed that we would present the results once finalized grouped into these into three categories:

    1. Open wards
    2. Wards where we do not support the incumbent (with or without an alternative pick)
    3. Wards where we support the incumbents for re-election

    We agreed to circulate a preliminary version of our choices to the full membership for feedback. Once the feedback integrated, we would circulate the updated selections to all GA list subscribers, inviting additional feedback.

    We would then distribute our final choices through our networks and issue a press release in early October.

    A fulsome discussion of candidates in each of the 24 wards led to agreement, or questions on which to follow up with a broader audience, in the 11 open wards, the identification of 7 wards where we do not support the incumbents, and 6 wards where we support the incumbent for re-election.

    Action: Paul to circulate the preliminary list to the full membership for feedback.

  2. Comprehensive Zoning By-Law Review

    Comprehensive Zoning By-law review

    Paul provided an update on the pre-consultation work being done by a broad stakeholders group, which includes the GA and the FCA, on the Comprehensive Zoning By-law review. Three meeting have been held to date, each dealing with the potential trade-offs in the context of given high level zoning scenarios applicable to the area designated as Neighbourhood in the new Official Plan. There is an embargo on the details of these discussions but both the GA and the FCA are pushing for greater transparency, at a minimum the publication of an interim report on the work of the group. This will be raised again and discussed at the next meeting of the group in the latter part of September.

Threats and Opportunities


  1. RURAL

    1. Nothing to report.


    1. Pinesi Portage Trail

      Pinesi portage trail project update:

      Paul reported on the installation of the ceramic mural commissioned for the project to commemorate the trail’s namesake, Chief Constant Pinesi (d.1834). Its installation is scheduled for September 1 and this will mark a major milestone for the project. This is a large scale work, five panels measuring 20 feet by 4 feet in all, covering the western wall of the New Edinburgh Park field house. Paul gave an update on the budget, the remaining expenditures and the status of the grant funding the project. He also sought, and received, the group’s advice on how best to manage the intellectual and physical property rights associated with the transactions for this work.  We agreed to keep it simple and seek the right to display the work only.

  3. OTHER

    1. Nothing to report.

The Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.