Members Present: Paul Johanis (chair), Erwin Dreessen, David McNicoll, Jason Kania (director), Ben Christy
Guests: Andrew Johnson, Kate Punnett
Regrets: Juan Pedro Unger, Nicole DesRoches, Amy Steele
The meeting commenced at 7:25pm.
- Adoption of the agenda
Paul put forth a new agenda to organize meetings in a more thematic way. Agreed.
- Administrative items
a. Minutes of the January 29, 2018 meeting (for approval)
Erwin provided a few revisions. Erwin moved, seconded by Andrew, to accept the revised minutes as final.
b. Membership/Board report
Erwin moved, seconded by David to accept Craig Beare, Kate Punnett and Andrew Johnson as new members.
Kate and Andrew agreed to become board members, with Andrew taking on the role of Membership Chair. Erwin moved, seconded by Ben to accept Kate and Andrew as board members. Action: Erwin will revise the list of directors on the website.
c. Treasurer’s report
Erwin moved, seconded by David, to reimburse Jason for the cost of the server hosting our website. ($170.70)
d. Webmaster’s report
Erwin reported that we need to address the issue of documents containing URLs that display our IP address instead of linking to our website, causing “Page not found” messages. In addition, Erwin suggested that we should design a more professional landing page, and link our website to our Facebook and Twitter feed.
Action: Paul will find someone to help with the landing page.
e. Volunteer report
Jake Harris and Amanda Allnutt are moving forward with their project to develop a strategy for the 2018 municipal election. Jake has compiled the voting record of current sitting councillors on environmental issues. Brittney Bourdages has been making significant progress on the greenspace inventory and mapping project. We will soon be in a position to query the database to answer questions concerning the extent and distribution of greenspace in the urban area of Ottawa.