Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Nicole DesRoches, Jason Kania, J.P Unger, Erwin Dreessen, Arto Keklikian, Iola Price, Jean-Claude Ethéart
1. Adoption of the agenda
The proposed agenda was agreed upon, with the addition of items 2c, 2d and 4c ii.
Moved by Jason, seconded by Nicole. Approved.
2. Administrative items
a. Minutes of September 16 2024 meeting (for approval)
Moved by Paul, seconded by Arto. Carried.
b. Website report
Paul reported that the stock images used in the demo that was shown at the last meeting have been replaced with our own images of local greenspace and our own people where applicable. He indicated that the new website was in the process of being transferred to our server, with Jason working closely with the contractor. There will follow a period of testing and validation to which members can contribute their content knowledge and expertise. The contractor has committed to honour a 30-day post-delivery training and support period.
c. Association report
Although Nicole was not able to attend the seminar held by les Amis des Parcs in Montreal last month, she has now been invited to join a webinar on November 27, where she will give a presentation on the work of the Greenspace Alliance.
d. Treasurer’s report
Jason submitted a reimbursement request of $30.53 for the temporary rental of additional space on our server for the new website project. Moved by Paul, seconded by Nicole. Carried