Downtown Ottawa and the Parliament of Canada
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Policies related to Greenspaces

Pre-hearing conference of May 22, 2019
The pre-hearing conference of May 22 was over within the hour.  The main...
Pre-hearing conference of May 4, 2018
The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT, formerly OMB) held another pre-hearing...
Development Charges 2014 - 2018: The Untold Story
Adapted from our 2015-16 Annual Report: …by the end of 2013, the...
Pre-hearing conference of January 3, 2018
January 3 was booked as the first of three days for an Ontario Municipal...
The final stretch
Pre-hearing conference of January 3, 2018 Pre-hearing conference of May...

Once again, hearings which were scheduled to take two weeks, were disposed of in a 20-minute teleconference call on June 11, 2019. Settlement with all appellants had been presented to Council on March 6 (Item 23) and April 10 (Item 1).

On the appeals of OPA 179 (Significant Woodlands), the settlement involved a change from 40 to 60 years as the minimum age of an urban woodlot to be designated significant.  Further, Schedule L3 was revised to accommodate the approved development in “Area 2” (now referred to as Kanata Highlands).

On our own appeal of OPA 150, a new annex, Annex 16, will provide a readily accessible depiction of significant landscape linkages.  Like several other annexes, Annex 16 is for informational purposes only and is not part of the Official Plan as a legally binding document.

Here are the Notice of Motion and the Affidavits of Nick Stow (13.7 MB) and Bruce Finlay (13.0 MB) with all  their Exhibits. Direct access to various pieces with a link to sources for the original document where relevant:

Affidavit of Nick Stow without Exhibits (6 pp.)

Affidavit of Bruce Finlay without Exhibits (7 pp.)

Selected Exhibits of Stow’s Affidavit:

#6: Council Minutes of March 6, 2019

#7: Planning Committee Report 3 to Council, March 6, includes the Significant Woodlands Guidelines.  To access this material, please go to the Council Minutes of March 6, scroll to item 23 and click on Attachments.

#8: Amendments to OPA 179 (table)

#10: Council Minutes of April 10, 2019

#11: ARAC Report 3 to Council, April 10, includes Annex 16.  To access this and other material, please go to the Council Minutes of April 10, scroll to item 1 and click on Attachments.

Selected Exhibits of Finlay’s Affidavit:

#4: The 2013 Natural Landscape Linkages analysis (Document 11)

#9: Amendments to OPA 150 (table)

The final Decision and Order was issued on September 5, 2019.