New projections for population, housing and jobs

On September 29, 2016, the City revealed its updated projections for Ottawa’s population, housing and jobs.  The projections are extended to 2036.  Several methodological improvements were made compared to the exercise in 2007.

Here are the Highlights.

And here are the slides used by staff at the meeting (corrected for an error).

Finally, here is the Growth Projections Report and its Addendum, as presented to Committees and Council.

Comment: The new projections conclude that no new urban land for residential development is required — in fact, a 2-year supply remains by 2036.  This is a second blow against further expansion of the urban boundary any time soon, after the Employment Lands study which concluded we have land to serve us through 2041.  Coming up: The results of the LEAR review.

Note: The City’s page on the projections to 2031 is: