
Useful Links in Efforts to Protect Greenspace

This collection of links was initiated in 2006.  Look here for annotations of additions made over the years.  Look here for an overview of total numbers.  Look here for occasional update notices.

Autonomous Voluntary Organizations

Local (Ottawa, Gatineau, Ottawa Valley, Outaouais)

Provincial (Ontario, Québec)


Government-Supported Voluntary Organizations

Local (Ottawa, Gatineau, Ottawa Valley, Outaouais)

Provincial (Ontario, Québec)



Local (Ottawa, Gatineau, Ottawa Valley, Outaouais; including the NCC)

Provincial (Ontario, Québec)


Other (including Foundations and Networks/Portals)



Local (Ottawa, Gatineau, Ottawa Valley, Outaouais)

Alba Wilderness School – Lanark County

Alliance to Save Our Greenbelt (contact Al Speyers at 613-224-3929)

Amis du parc de la Gatineau

Asinabka Blue Water Trail – around the island of Hull

Big Trees of Kitchissippi — a coalition of 9 civic groups in Kitchissippi Ward.  Facebook page

Bishops Mills Natural History Centre

Boisé Est (Association française des propriétaires de boisés privés de l’Est de l’Ontario)

Bonnechere River Watershed Project (BRWP) – Renfrew County

CAFES – Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – Ottawa Valley Chapter

Carbon Capture Day Event – a group focused on climate change solutions

Carp Ridge EcoWellness Centre

Carp Ridge Society

Champlain Oaks – Champlain Park community celebrates its magnificent Bur Oaks

Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium (CCAMU)

Community Organizations registered with the City of Ottawa

Earth Path

Ecology Ottawa

Federation of Citizens’ Associations (FCA)

Safe Wings – Ottawa — fighting bird deaths due to window collisions. Note: Formerly a chapter of FLAP Canada, the group is now a program of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club.

Fletcher Wildlife Garden (part of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club)

Forêt Capitale Forest (FCF) — “Planting trees with a plan”

Friends of the Carp Hills (formerly Friends of Huntley Highlands)

Friends of the Carp River

Friends of the Central Experimental Farm

Friends of Gatineau Park

Friends of Riverview Park Green Spaces – “aiming to enhance and promote public green spaces in the community of Riverview Park” (a FaceBook group)

Friends of Stittsville Wetlands (including the Goulbourn Wetlands Complex)

Friends of the Jock River (dissolved; link is to an old FaceBook page; an April 30, 2015 Metroland news item is no longer online)

Friends of the Tay Watershed

Greenbelt Coalition of Canada’s Capital Region (archived on the GA web site)

GuideGatineau (a YouTube channel with decade-old videos) – “For People Who Love Gatineau Park”

Hidden Harvest Ottawa

Jane’s Walk

Kanata Environmental Network – This network is defunct. Notices of two meetings in 2009 and 2010 are archived on the web site of Sustainable Eastern Ontario.

Let’s Rethink the Highway A5 Extension (at Wakefield)

Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust

Ottawa Biosphere Eco-City Initiative (Man and Biosphere program, UNESCO)

Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre

Ottawa Community Gardening Network (part of Just Food)

Ottawa Duck Club

Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club

Ottawa River Institute

Ottawa Riverkeeper

Ottawa’s Great Forest: The South March Highlands (v. 21, 51 slides, 8 MB PDF)

Parkways for People

Peace and Environment Resource Centre (PERC) – including the PEN paper

POP (Peoples Official Plan) – a coalition of 23 environmental and social justice organizations

Reimagine Ottawa (Facebook page)

Renfrew County Biotabase, The – and associated web site Renfrew County Nature Notebook

Rideau Roundtable

Rideau Trail Association

Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary – North Gower

Rideau Waterway Land Trust

Rural Woodlands Ottawa (Facebook page)

Save Our Greenspace (most recent news: August 2007)

South March Highlands – Carp River Conservation (2006, 51 slides, 8 MB)

Sustainable Eastern Ontario – including NCENN, the National Capital Environmental Nonprofit Network.  (This web site  also houses the Community Energy Network.)

Waste Watch Ottawa

Provincial (Ontario, Québec)

Ancient Forest Exploration and Research (AFER) – “a research and education organization”

Aux Arbres Citoyens! (La forêt boréale)

Federation of Urban Neighbourhoods of Ontario (F.U.N.)

Forest Gene Conservation Association – non-profit association for the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of the genetic base of the forest.

Forests Ontario – “the voice of Ontario’s forests by supporting forest restoration, stewardship, education and awareness.

Gravel Watch Ontario

Nature Québec (Union québécoise pour la conservation de la nature  – UQCN)

Ontario Headwaters Institute

Ontario Farmland Trust

Ontario Invasive Plants Council

Ontario Land Trust Alliance

Ontario Nature (Federation of Ontario Naturalists)

Ontario Rivers Alliance

Ontario Urban Forest Council

Pesticide Free Ontario

Réseau Québecois des Groupes Ecologistes (RQGE)

Sierra Club Canada — Ontario Chapter

SNAP (Société pour la nature et les parcs du Canada – section Québec)

Wildlands League (a chapter of CPAWS – Central Canada)

National / International

Boreal Songbird Initiative

Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA)

Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy (“CIELAP is no longer actively performing research and analysis”)

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)

Canadian Society of Environmental Biologists

Canadian Urban Forest Network (CANUFNET)

Ecojustice (formerly Sierra Legal Defence Fund)

Environmental Defence

FLAP Canada “We protect birds from a deadly leading threat: collisions with buildings.”

Stand.Earth (formerly ForestEthics; Canada/US)

Globaïa (English) – “a global education organization whose mission is to foster a consistent and informed participation of citizens in environmental issues by understanding the multiple dimensions of today’s world and its likely future. ” Based in Laval, Que. The French version is no longer.

Global Forest Watch (a partnership convened by the World Resources Institute)

Global Forest Watch Canada — the Canadian chapter of the international organization

Green Communities Canada

Monarch Teacher Network — part of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

Nature Canada (Canadian Nature Federation)

Nature Conservancy Canada (the other NCC)

North American Native Plant Society

Plant Based Treaty

Project for Public Spaces (USA)

Resources for the Future (Washington, D.C.)

Sierra Club Canada

Trust for Public Land (USA) — see in particular: ParkScore — acreage, service & investment, and access in 100 US cities compared

Wilderness Committee — formerly the Western Wilderness Committee

Wildlife Conservation Society Canada (WCS)

World Wildlife Fund – Canada


Local (Ottawa, Gatineau, Ottawa Valley, Outaouais)

Agence de bassin versant des 7 – improving the watershed from the Dumoine to the Gatineau

Bumble Bee Watch – a citizen science project, with University of Ottawa involvement

Conseil régional de l’environnement et du développement durable de l’Outaouais (CREDDO)

Eastern Ontario Model Forest (NRCan)

Enviro Educ-Action (Gatineau)

Environmental Advisory Committee – City of Ottawa – ABOLISHED

Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee – City of Ottawa

Gardens Ottawa

Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee – City of Ottawa – ABOLISHED but much of the OFGAC site is archived here.

Ottawa-Gatineau Geoheritage Project (OGGP)

Ottawa Stewardship Council (MNR)

Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee – City of Ottawa – ABOLISHED

Rural Issues Advisory Committee – City of Ottawa – ABOLISHED

Provincial (Ontario, Québec)

Ontario Stewardship (MNR)

OREG – Ontario Road Ecology group

Stewardship Network of Ontario

National / International

COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada)

North American Wetlands Conservation Council

Wildlife Habitat Canada


Local (Ottawa, Gatineau, Ottawa Valley, Outaouais)

Choosing Our Future (NCC, Ottawa, Gatineau, February 2012), on our own web site, a link to all the reports and discussion papers. [The project’s own web site has been deleted.]

City of Ottawa (home page)

City of Ottawa – the 2021 Official Plan:

Nov 2021 Official Plan (Vol. 1) with Nov 2022 Ministerial Modifications, tracked (PDF, 16 MB).

Nov 2021 Official Plan (Vol 2A) – Urban Secondary Plans (PDF, 44 MB)

Nov 2021 Official Plan (Vol 2B) – Rural Secondary Plans (PDF, 21 MB)

Nov 2021 Official Plan (Vol 2C) – Area-Specific Policies (PDF, 4 MB)

Go to New Official Plan for the City’s ‘home page’ for the new Official Plan. From there you can also access the above documents as well as:

Schedule A (transect policy areas)

Schedules B (maps for each transect)

Schedules C (20 schedules, followed by 58-page Schedule C16 on Road Classification and Right-of-Way Protection)

Annexes: maps of Metropolitan Downtown Core, Development Zone of Influence and Heritage Conservation Districts, followed by a 4-page Annex 4 on Local Plan Framework. Further: Six maps on various topics. Annex 10 (4 pp.) spells out the Tewin Community Design Plan and Studies. Annex 11 will list the future OP Amendments

Appendices 1 and 2 illustrate revisions to Schedules B9 and C17 as a result of the Minister’s modifications

City of Ottawa – the pre-2021 Official Plan:

City of Ottawa – the 2003 Official Plan (PDF, 5.1 MB)

City of Ottawa – former Official Plan – Amendments since 2003 (scroll to Amendment 13)

City of Ottawa – former Official Plan, Vol 1: Consolidation (no date specified; includes all amendments approved by Council).  PDF versions of each section are available from here.

City of Ottawa – former Official Plan (Vol 2A) – Secondary Plans-Urban

City of Ottawa – former Official Plan (Vol 2B) – Site Specific Plans

City of Ottawa – former Official Plan (Vol 2C) – Secondary Plans-Villages

City of Ottawa Official Plan Amendment # 76 (“OP 2009”) – This text is no longer available.  Access the Minutes of Council, 10 June 2009, here and Ministerial Modifications here and here.

The complex history of OPAs 150 and 180, including changes to the Development Charges by-law, is documented on this web site here, here and here.

City of Ottawa – Selected sections of the pre-2021 Official Plan : 2.4 – Maintaining Environmental Integrity ; 3.2 Natural Environment ; 3.3. Open Space

City of Ottawa – Refresh of the City’s Environmental Strategy (2009)

City of Ottawa – Trees in Trust Program and other tree-related programs

City of Ottawa – City Trees Inventory: Dynamic map ; Table

City of Ottawa – Site Alteration By-law in effect as of 28 May 2018

City of Ottawa – Tree Protection By-law in effect as of 1 Jan 2021

City of Ottawa – Committee and Council Agendas and Minutes – up to June 17, 2012

City of Ottawa – Committee and Council Agenda and Minutes – from June 18, 2012

City of Ottawa – Webcasts of Committee and Council meetings

The City’s YouTube channel

City of Ottawa – Urban Design Review Panel including Panel recommendations

City of Ottawa – Maps of Ottawa – GeoOttawa

City of Ottawa – Flood Plain Mapping (interactive)

City of Ottawa – On-Line Access to Development Documents (the “DevApps” site)

City of Ottawa – Guide to preparing studies in support of development applications

City of Ottawa – Development Application Review Process

City of Ottawa – Look up assessment values and taxes

Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVC)

National Capital Commission (NCC home page)

NCC – Members of the Board, Public Meetings

NCC – The page “NCC and Federal Lands in Canada’s Capital Region” no longer exists; however, see a 2007 article in Trail & Landscape for an analysis of NCC land holdings other than the Greenbelt and Gatineau Park

NCC – Capital Core Area Sector Plan (approved, 2005)

NCC – Urban Lands Plan (approved, 2015)

NCC- Greenbelt Master Plan (as approved, 20 November 2013)

NCC – The Plan for Canada’s Capital, 2017-2067

NCC – Sustainable Development Strategy

Note: for all Plans of the National Capital Region going back to 1903, go here.  Also of interest is Prof. David Gordon’s 2015 book, Town and Crown – An Illustrated History of Canada’s Capital.

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA)

South Nation Conservation Authority (SN)

Ville de Gatineau (home page)

Provincial (Ontario, Québec)

Conservation Ontario – representing 36 Conservation Authorities in Ontario

e-Laws – Ontario Statutes and Regulations

Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO). ECO closed on 1 April, 2019 but its reports can be found on the Auditor General’s site.

Environmental Registry – ERO’s home page.

Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT)

Ontario Land Tribunal (formerly OMB, then LPAT)

E-status page

Local Planning Appeal Support Centre (LPASC). This Centre opened in April 2018, was halted in February 2019 and closed its doors in June 2019. For background, go here.

Municipal Class Environmental Assessment information (Municipal Engineers Association)

Natural Heritage Information Centre (MNR)

Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry

Ontario Species at Risk (SARO List – MNR)

Species at Risk by location

Quebec – Species at risk legislation

Statements of Environmental Values (Ontario Ministries)

National / International

Canadian Statutes and Regulations

Commission for Environmental Cooperation (Can-US-Mexico free trade agreement) – Citizen Submissions on Enforcement Matters

Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development – Petitions process (Office of the Auditor General of Canada)

Environment and Climate Change Canada (home page)

National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy – ABOLISHED.  The archive of NRTEE reports, which used to be on a York U. web site, appear to have disappeared, but Google for “NRTEE Archive” and you’ll find some.

Naturally Resilient Communities – a US partnership for nature-based solutions to multiple water-related needs

NatureServe Canada — a network of 9 conservation data centres, incl. the Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre

Parliament of Canada — information about pending legislation (LegisInfo)

Federally listed Species at Risk (SARA – Public Registry)

Information on planned recovery strategies

TEEB – The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (UNEP)

OTHER (including Foundations and Networks/Portals)

Canadian Environmental Network (E/F)

Evergreen Foundation

Insights – presented by the Community Foundation of Ottawa

One Planet Communities – non-profit consulting by BioRegional North America

Ontario Environmental Network

Succession (formerly the Tooker Gomberg Greenspiration Fund)

Sustainability Network

Sustainable Forestry Initiative

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation

Organic UK – The beginners’s guide to growing organic food – Canada’s Environmental Portal

Tree Canada Foundation / Arbres Canada

Wildlife Conservation Society Canada – a group of scientists