Annual General Meeting – 16 October 2002

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Fourth Annual General Meeting of October 16, 2002

7:30 p.m., Honeywell Room, new City Hall


Attending: Quentin Bristow, David McNicoll, Chris Szpak, Erwin Dreessen, Amy Kempster, Barbara Barr, Divya Raman, Juan Pedro Unger, Al Crosby, Bill Royds

Guests: Sara Gagné, Warren Tang, Gert Dreessen

Regrets: Mary Hegan, Albert Dugal, Mike Mack, Joyce Wright, Steven Artelle, Shelley Parlow

Documents available: revised Agenda; Draft Minutes of the A.G.M. of October 17, 2001; Treasurer’s Report; draft Year-in-Review report (Oct 2001-Oct 2002).

On the wall and tables: Maps, photographs and reports about the Leitrim Wetlands; about the Poets’ Pathway project: a map, a briefing note for planners, and the September 21 performance program and chapbook produced for the project; Minutes of the Greenspace Alliance, September 2000 – September 2001, and October 2001 – September 2002.


7:32 QUORUM  
  Quorum was established  
7:35 APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE A.G.M. OF October 17, 2001  
  Quentin moved and Amy seconded approval of the Minutes as distributed and posted.  Carried.  
  Erwin tabled a draft year-end report, reviewing the organizational accomplishments of and the future plans for Greenspace Alliance.  Attention was also drawn to the Working Groups featured on the last page which illustrated the amount of work that has been completed and the two dozen members who have been actively involved.  Bill pointed out that this was the 5th Anniversary of the Greenspace Alliance, and that all meeting minutes were intact for the group. Erwin welcomes comments and corrections and will post the revised final report.
  Barbara noted a revenue of $1539.22 and expenses of $576.04 which resulted in a total balance of $1628.45.  Barbara moved and Amy seconded that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.

Barbara highlighted the fact that most of the growth in the balance resulted from the Run/Walk event which had been organized and executed by Amy and other dedicated volunteers.

  Erwin chaired the nominations process.  It was noted that the current by-laws allow for up to 15 directors to be elected for the period of one year.  The following  people were nominated as directors: Barbara Barr, Amy Kempster, Bill Royds, Divya Raman, Juan Pedro Unger, Chris Szpak, Sara Gagné and Erwin Dreessen.  Nominations were closed.  All nominees were acclaimed, with the understanding that Sara will be elected once she becomes a member.

JP was nominated as Chair, but he declined the offer due to other commitments.  Erwin then agreed to continue as Chair on an interim basis.

Erwin, JP, and Sara will meet to discuss possible strategies for volunteer recruitment.
  Barbara moved and Amy seconded adjournment.  The AGM was adjourned by consensus.  


The Annual General Meeting was followed by a brief General Meeting.

The next meeting of the GACC is on November 20, 2002 at 7:30 p.m., in the Festival Boardroom, City Hall.