Water Strategy Roundtable, June 14, 2014 – Notes & Outcome

The City advises:

“One of the principal actions arising from the event was to provide a summary of what we heard from you on how to protect the health of Ottawa’s rivers, lakes and streams.

…the attached documents … outline participant feedback, list a summary of the outcomes, as well as the identification of next steps in the development of Phase 2 of the Water Environment Strategy and the Eastern Subwatersheds Stormwater Management Retrofit.

Memo – Water Roundtable, June 14, 2014
Document 1 – City of Ottawa Water Roundtable Summary Notes –In English | In French
Thank you once again for being a part of this important dialogue.”

E.D. – 14 Sep 2014

P.S.: At the request of Ecology Ottawa, Judy Makin and Donna Dubreuil put together a case for saving natural areas.  Find it here.