DRAFT Minutes of 7 November 1997

Greenspace Alliance for Canada’s Capital

[DRAFT] Minutes of meeting held Nov. 7, 1997 in boardroom of Fairlea Park Co-operative, 3019 Fairlea Crescent.


Al Crosby – Fairhaven Community

Bill Royds – Hunt Club Community Organization

Bryan Hawley – Heron Walkley G.C.

Barbara Barr

Shelley Parlow – Hunt Club Corridor Protection Association

Prabha Singh

Amy Kempster

Erica Burns

Bob Davidson

Tom Gabor

Erwin Dreessen

Angela Lamoureux – Fairlea Park Co-operative


Meeting commenced at 7:45 pm


Added   – Heron-Walkley progress report

– Balena Park support

Minutes of Previous meeting accepted.

Vision Discussion – Tom Gabor

Tom Gabor presented a document titled A Vision of the Greenspace Coalition as a compendium of previous efforts to create a vision document. Discussion ensued on the document with general agreement on the document but more detailed analysis on several points.

Key points of discussion.

What should be the name of the organization

It was felt that using the words National Capital in the name implied too much connection to the National Capital Commission. as well as being used by many other groups.  As well the emphasis should be on green space. After much discussion, consensus was reached on Greenspace Alliance for Canada’s Capital with the emphasis being on Greenspace Alliance as common name.

Definition of greenspace.

The word greenspace is hard to define. Any particular definition has problems with exactness, but it was agreed to use the working definition:

Greenspace is defined as a natural area deemed significant by a community or neighbourhood.

This is a working definition only as key words like natural and community have been left undefined.

Membership is seen as groups and individuals from all sectors, including community associations, business groups, environmental associations and recreational organizations.

Section on ethical standards was questioned for appropriateness. After significant discussion, it was agreed that a Code of Ethics would be developed and Guiding Principles would include statement:

members will uphold the highest ethical standards in accordance with the Alliance’s Code of Ethics.

Organizational Structure

It was decided to have only an interim executive (4 or 5 months)  to allow for addition of members and their concerns. The main concern is communication.

Proposed executive:

Chair Erica Burns

Secretary Bill Royds(minutes and membership records)

Communications Tom Gabor(liason with press)

with help of Shelley Parlow , Amy Kempster and Brian Hawley


Issues of Concern

Balena Park is a neighbourhood park under threat from development. Part of the land in the park is owned by the NCC and is zoned residential.

Another significant part is zoned Leisure (park use) but is owned by a developer who bought the land from the Ottawa Separate School Board several years ago. When the school board bought the land, it had an encumbrance preventing use other than public. This encumbrance has delayed the development.

Next Meeting

November 21 at Greenboro Community Centre, Lorry Greenberg Drive at 7:30