Friends of the Greenspace Alliance
Minutes of the General Monthly Meeting of 16 Dec 2010
RA Centre Fieldhouse Restaurant
Members Present: Cheryl Doran, Amy Kempster (chair), Janice Seline, Erwin Dreessen
Regrets: Sol Shuster
The meeting commenced at 7:15 p.m.
1. Welcome
2. Adoption of the Agenda
Motion: Cheryl moved and Janice seconded to adopt the agenda with changes to which minutes would be reviewed tonight. Carried.
3. Treasurer’s report:
It was agreed that a cheque to replace the lost cheque for $500 from last summer for the South March Highlands Coalition be issued. It was agreed to pay the $25 fee for the Wildlife Festival (March 26-27 at Billings Bridge).
4. Discussion Items
a) Review of past minutes prepared by Janice from Joseph’s notes. Revisions were recommended. Janice will compile them and bring to the next meeting.
b) Review of remaining Ottawa Municipal Board (OMB) appeals.
Action Item: Amy to draft a submission about the Urban Boundary for the OMB and Council. Erwin will provide feedback.
Action Item: Amy will contact Ken McRae re Flewellyn Road.
Action Item: Cheryl to write up issues surrounding remaining appeals (Country Lot Estates, Airport Employment area).
c) Office of the Auditor General (OAG) Petition re Trade Show Centre site: Action was deferred.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:10 pm