General Meeting – 27 April 2006

27 APRIL 2006, 7p.m.

City Hall, Billings Room

In Attendance: Bill Royds (meeting Chair), Thomas Kapler, Ron Tolmie, Deborah Irwin (City of Ottawa), Sue Murphy (City of Ottawa), Nelson Edwards (City of Ottawa), Bruce Finlay (City of Ottawa), Erwin Dreessen, Janice Seline, David McNicoll, Cheryl Doran, Amy Kempster, Chantal Vicha, Daphne McCree, Carol Gudz (recording secretary).

1. After calling the meeting to order, the agenda was amended and adopted (Erwin Moved, Amy Seconded, carried).

2. Bruce Finlay presented the City of Ottawa’s Greenspace Master Plan. The decision to limit the Greenspace Master Plan to the urban areas was taken by senior management, in deference to the Rural Summit; this decision has not been formally endorsed by Council. Most of the remaining Urban Natural Areas that were not evaluated in the March 2005 Report will be contained in an Addendum expected in June. He indicated that May 18 is the close of circulation of the Official Plan amendment. He also stated that, by the end of May, the City of Ottawa website will show the zoning of greenspaces. However, OP designation will not be on the map. It was also noted that the draft new Zoning By-law will be tabled on May 23. When this item moves to Committee on June 27, it will include an Urban Natural Features Strategy, with a priority list of 16 to 20 sites for acquisition, including some NCC properties. Bruce also noted that a protocol has been established with the real estate branch of the City (RPAM) in the event of intended sale of land. This should prevent a recurrence of what happened with 5309 Bank Street.

3. Minutes for the March meeting were approved (Erwin moved, Carol seconded, carried).

4. Treasurer’s report: Our balance is $30 more than last month. Erwin indicated that he will need cheques to pay costs for a witness for an OMB appeal.

5. May 9 OMB Environmental hearing: Erwin stated that this hearing was to deal with a short list of leftover issues related to the Official Plan. One of our issues is that we want environmental impact statements for proposed developments adjacent to Rural Natural Features. We also have other queries and wording changes. Other appellants in the hearing include Sunset Lakes. Erwin set out the objectives for the hearing. (Janice moved to support and Daphne seconded, carried).

6. Membership Report: Janice proposed the following new GACC members: Ted Cooper, Stephen Hazell, Thomas Kapler, Jessica Menchions, Larry Frazer, Anne Caza (associate member $30), Chantal Vicha, Cheryl Doran. Amy moved acceptance and Janice seconded. Carried.

7. Annual Survey of Incorporation: Amy stated that this survey is due June 1 and that she will complete it on behalf of the GACC.

8. NCC Governance: Erwin indicated that the Committee chaired by Sol Shuster will meet on May 4. Erwin will represent the Alliance on behalf of Amy. He received directions to put forward that:

– There should be a public process for declaring land surplus

– The Treasury Board requirement to obtain $6 million per year from land sales should be removed

– Surplus land sales should consider community values rather than just the highest economic values.

– Boundaries of greenspace should be defined by order in council, if not Parliament.

9. Future Directions of the Alliance: Bill proposed that the Alliance should become a member of Ontario Nature, because this group lobbies for greenspace and this would increase the alliances of the GACC. Erwin did not feel that Ontario Nature includes groups similar to the GACC. Bill will investigate further and report back.

10. Kanata West / Carp River: Erwin reported that the Carp River Coalition (which includes the Alliance) met with city staff, councillors and developer consultants on April 20 to follow up the issues raised in its letter to the provincial agencies. He stated that we received minimal clarification; however, one concession we did receive is that the City agreed to give us an extra couple of weeks to peer review the EAs. Erwin also stated that we learned city staff were planning to ask the councillors to approve the infrastructure projects before the EAs are approved. Erwin suggested that the Carp River Coalition would propose a motion that city councillors defer approval of the infrastructure projects until the EAs are complete.

11. Greenspace Master Plan: Thomas and Chantal agreed to prepare the official Alliance response on this.
12. North South Light Rail Maintenance Yard: Cheryl stated that May 16 is the date that a joint meeting of the Transportation and Planning & Environment Committee will look at this, and May 24 is the date it will go to Council. She noted that the currently preferred location of City Staff was not evaluated in the EA.

13. Meeting adjourned at 10:37.