Policy / Ottawa City Hall

Ottawa Municipal Election 2022

Ottawa’s new Official Plan

      Preparing for a New Official Plan: Beyond 2036

      Consultation on the new Official Plan, 2019

       Workshops on Climate Solutions and Ottawa’s New Official Plan

       Draft policy directions for new Official Plan approved

       Planning Committee approves urban expansion, but not how much

       City updates stakeholders on expected directions in draft Official Plan  

       Council considers which lands to include in urban expansion

       Greenspace Alliance submission on draft Official Plan

Searchable version of the 1Sep2021 draft of the new Official Plan

Ottawa Municipal Election 2018

Development Charges 2019

City of Ottawa Budget 2018

Term of Council Priorities (2015-18)

OPA 150 and its aftermath (2014 – 2018)>>

Site Alteration By-law (2011 – 2018)

Urban Forests

Redefining “significant woodlands” (2015 – 2017)

*Urban Forest Management Plan

see also: Clearcutting in Kanata Lakes: Letter and Petition (2017)

and: KNL’s application for an Overall Benefit Permit (2016)